Hadise je poznata po tome što skriva detalje o svom privatnom životu, a naročito o romantičnim vezama, te je zbog toga u brojnim novinama dobila nadimak “lojalna djevojka”. Karizmatična, uvijek pozitivna i nasmijana osoba, Hadise ima brojne fanove širom Europe. Priča nekoliko jezika: turski, nizozemski, engleski, francuski i njemački.
Hadise is known for being in strict secrecy about her personal life, especially about her romantic relationships. Has been named “a loyal girlfriend” by several magazines, Hadise never went public with any of her relationships. She speaks several languages; Turkish, Dutch, English, French and German included.
Svojim sjajnim vokalnim sposobnostima i efektnim scenskim nastupima osvojila je srca glasača u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, te je tako dobila priliku da se prezentira Europi na 54. Eurosongu. Pjevat će pjesmu Andrew Webbera naziva “My time” i pokušati ostvariti dobar rezultat za svoju zemlju.
Jade was born and brought up in Plaistow, London, to a Jamaican mother, Carol and a half British half Sicilian father, Trevor. With her amazing vocal abilities and efect stage performances, Jade won UK national final. She will try to bring UK better placing on Eurovision with Andrew Webber’s song called “My Time”.
Elena Gheorghe – The Balkan Girls
Elena Gheorghe će predstavljati Rumunjsku na ovogodišnjem Eurosongu s pjesmom “The Balkan Girls”. Vjeruje kako je najvažnija stvar na svijetu obitelj. Upravo je njena majka, Marioara Man George, bila osoba koja je inspirirala ljubav za glazbom kod nje. U srednjoj školi Elena je igrala rukomet, i nastavila je svoj san: igrati i dalje…
Elena Gheorghe is half Macedonian, half Ardelean and she comes from a family of priest and believes strongly that the most important thing in the world is her family. Her mother, Marioara Man George is a singer of popular music and the first, the one who inspired love for music on Elena. In school she played handball and continued to follow her dream, to play…
Lidia Kopania – I don’t wanna leave
Zbog svog toplog glasa, glasa koji može otjevati četiri oktave, već su je komparirali sa Celine Dion i Barbarom Streisand. Lidia Kopania je izuzetno talentirana pjevačica koja će s pjesmom “I don’t wanna leave” pokušati uvesti Poljsku u finale ovogodišnjeg Eurosonga.
Lidia Kopania is an extraordinary singer. Because of her warm, 4-octave voice, she already has been compared with Celine Dion and Barbara Streisand. “I don’t wanna leave” is the tittle of her Eurovision song with which she will try to get ticket to the final for Poland.
Jóhanna Guðrún Jónsdóttir – Is it True
Johanna je predstavnica Islanda ove godine na Eurosongu. Pjevat će nježnu baladu “Is it True”. Svojom karizmom i ovom lijepom pjesmom, kladionice su uvjerene kako će Johanna napraviti dobar rezultat u Moskvi.
Jóhanna Guðrún Jónsdóttir born in Denmark but raised in Hafnarfjörður, Iceland is an Icelandic singer who will represent her nation at the Eurovision Song Contest 2009. Jóhanna started performing on stage at the age of nine and has done work on Broadway before entering the Eurovision selection. Most of experts share opinion that Johanna’s charisma is something beautiful, and will definitly bring her votes.
Soraya je sudjelovala na španjolskoj “Operaciji Trijumf” 2005. godine, te na natjecanju osvaja drugo mjesto. Oduvijek je željela studirati dramu, ali nije uspjela ostvariti tvoj cilj. Priča pet jezika.
Soraya participated in the fourth series of the Spanish television series Operación Triunfo in 2005 where she came second overall. She wanted to study drama but soon started working as a flight attendant, where she travelled around the world. She speaks five languages.
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