Donny Montell: Lithuanian selection forces me to be better in every performance – logo logo logo

Donny Montell: Lithuanian selection forces me to be better in every performance

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Donny Montell is a Lithuanian singer and a big local star. He has been a mentor in The Voice for three years and his candidates achieved good placings. Eurovision fans remember his performance from Baku, in 2012, and he wishes to improved the 14th place. This year Donny performs an energetic song I’ve Been Waiting For This Night in a two-months long Lithuanian selection and he hopes for the best.

Find out what is a link between his song and Eurovision, what memories that his performance from Baku bring and what does he think about his chances for Stockholm.

You represented Lithuania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 with song “Love Is Blind”. What memories does this performance bring to you?

I have only the best memories about 2012 Eurovision Song Contest! Every time I remember all that happened there makes me feel the same excitement – trembling body and heart. I’m pretty sure this amazing feeling will stay with me for the rest of my life. It was the experience that gave me trust in myself and heartened to continue doing what I do. The opportunity to work in the best possible technical conditions and to be a part of something amazing – that’s what it was like.

Donny with his wife on the red carpet

Did you know that some of your competitors from Eurovision 2012 will perform in Stockholm in 2016? Kaliopi will sing for Macedonia and there is a possibility Greta will again sing for Iceland. What is so special about Eurovision that singers want to come back again? How do you feel about that?

One of the reasons to come back is obviously to improve the result already achieved. I think that every artist seeks to be an influential musician with a devoted fan base around the world. Eurovision Song Contest has 200 million people watching the show every year so this contest is probably the best place to pursue that kind of goals.

Your entry “I‘ve Been Waiting For This Night” in Lithuanian selection is energetic and has anthemic chorus. Eurovision fans seem to love it. Can you tell us something more about the song? What is it about?

My song is about two people madly inlove. That being said, it is not a love story, but more like the inner emotional journey while being in the moment with your loved one. It all happens here and now. Right after participating in the 2012 contest I already knew I would try my luck again. For me this song is about being on that same Eurovision stage because just like I sing in my song − I’ve been waiting for this night!

Lithuania has a quite complicated national selection for Eurovision this year. How are you dealing with all those qualification rounds? Are you enjoying it or does it maybe bring a bit of stress?

The national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest is full-on a television project. Surely the amount of shows you have to sing in gets you a bit tired, especially when every single performance has to be better than the previous one. At the same time this is a good way of testing yourself. I think that no one should waste their energy getting stressed about the things they cannot change so it’s really just about focusing on yourself and your performance.

You were alone on the stage in previous rounds. Can we expect a new choreography for your song or will you again keep it simple?

I don’t think being alone on the stage is something you could call simple! All the attention and responsibility is on you and you only. Besides, it’s all about the result and it consists of many different decisions. In my case, the decision to be on a stage all alone is deliberate and the rest of the five backing vocalists are off stage. Talking about the performance there is something I was practising for a long time… Something that has never been done on Eurovision stage! Intrigued? 🙂

Who do you think will give you the toughest competition from the remaining contestants in Lithuanian selection for Eurovision 2016?

The results and statistics are clear. The people who are true professionals and have their loyal fans –  Erica Jennings, Rūta Ščiogolevaitė, Aistė Pilvelytė. They will definitely be in the finals.

Thank you very much for talking with us. We wish you all the best in Lithuanian selection for Eurovision. Do you have any message for our visitors?

If everything works out and I will be performing in the Eurovision Song Contest I will show something that has never been seen in this competition before. That I can promise! Much love to all the fans!

A photo posted by donny montell (@donnymontell) on


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