Justs: Aminata is demanding, but working with her has been very easy and fun – eurosong.hr
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Justs: Aminata is demanding, but working with her has been very easy and fun

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Eurosong.hr is bringing you series of interviews with some of the favorites for winning national selection for Eurovision 2016. Today we spoke with Justs, who performed in Latvian Supernova on Sunday.

Justs performed song Heartbeat, which was written by Aminata, Latvian last year’s representative.

Dear Justs, let me first congratulate you for qualifying to the next stage of Latvian selection for Eurovision 2016. What were your first impressions after last night’s show?

Thank you very much. Well I felt so happy and grateful for all that big support I’ve got. It was amazing.

Are you a big fan of Eurovision? Which songs do you remember and like the most?

I couldn’t say that I am one of the superfans that knows everything about everyone who has participates in this show, but I am watching it every year, so I guess you could call me as a fan 😀  My favorite songs from Eurovision haven’t even made it out from Latvian national selection: Call Me Any Time You Need a Problem and Lullaby For My Dreammate.

Your song is called “Heartbeat” and it’s written by Aminata, Latvian last year’s representative. Many Eurovision fans think it is the favorite for winning the “Supernova”. Could you tell us something more about your song, what is it about?

The main motive in the song is about lost love and pain of loss that it brings along. It is like ode to oblivion that would protect us from harshness of life and lets us start over. Even though, this thought would be misheard, it’s a must to express it out loud.

How did the cooperation between you and Aminata come up? Does it make a pressure for you working with her, knowing she came 6th last year in Eurovision?

Working with Aminata has been very easy and fun for me although she is very demanding and hard working, she is also funny and sweet, and that is kind of close to my character so it is nothing but wonderful to work with her. And I don’t feel any pressure, just experience and knowledge coming out of this cooperation.

A photo posted by Aminata (@aminata_savadogo) on

You gave quite a static performance last night. Can we maybe expect a new choreography for upcoming show of Supernova?

My crew and I are working on this. You’ll see.


Who do you think will give you the toughest competition from the remaining contestants in “Supernova”?

Well I am not really good at this prediction thing because I was completely wrong last time 😀 I don’t really think about that who is or could be my competition. I am just concentrating on my song and performance. I trust the people.

Thank you very much for talking with us. We wish you all the best in Latvian selection for Eurovision. Do you have any message for our visitors?

Just sit back and enjoy the show that we are working so hard to show you.

How does it look like when Justs performs his song in the streets of Riga? Check it here.

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