Laila: "Afterglow" is a prayer for better times – logo logo logo

Laila: “Afterglow” is a prayer for better times

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Laila Samuels is a Norwegian songwriter and artist. She was born in Oslo, in a family which loved the music. Her mother was a jazz singer, her sister played saxophone and her three uncles were composers. So it doesn’t surprise that Laila decided to follow the same stream. She was a member of girl band The Tuesday, and this year we will see her in Norwegian selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. decided to contact Laila, one of the favorites for winning Melodi Grand Prix. Find out how she got inspired for her song, how will her stage performance look like and what are her expectations.

There was a lot of love (and points) for Norwegian Eurovision entries recently. What do you think – do Norwegians feel the same about Eurovision? Is this contest popular in your country?

I think it’s a love hate thing still. But I love it. And it’s popular, even though a lot of people won’t admit they are watching it or carrying about it.

Are you a Eurovision fan? Which songs from the contest do you remember and like the most?

I watched the Eurovision every year with my family growing up – in my family it’s a fun night with neighbors and friends. I have a new favorite every year. But my all time favorite is Nocturne. And Johnny Logan’s Hold Me Now. ABBA’s songs are of course the biggest hits and they are still really great songs.

Good morning sunny Oslo. off to stage rehearsing @nrkmgp #eurovision ???#afterglow

A photo posted by Laila Samuels (@lailasamuels) on

How did the idea for you to participate in Melodi Grand Prix come?

I just felt it when I had written Afterglow that it would be a good way to present it. The show is unique and offers you a chance to reach so many people, plus I feel like the song is intuitive and you don’t need 10 listens to get it. It was the right song at the right time.

Your song is called “Afterglow”. It has a fairytale-alike melody that gets the listener’s attention instantly. Could you tell us more about the song? What is it about?

The song is about loss. Losing something, or someone, and an intense wish to get it back. Nobody goes through life untouched by tragedy. I had some challenging times and I was far away from home missing everyone. And I wrote this song. It’s like a prayer for better times.

Many believe your song is a favorite for winning Norwegian selection for Eurovision 2016. Does that make any pressure for you?

No. I think there are lots of favorites. I take it as a huge compliment if somebody thinks I have a song that deserves to win. It’s very special to me and I can’t wait to perform it in the finals. Should the people choose me, then I will be ready!

Could you tell us some details about how will your performance in MGP look like? Will you have someone with you on the stage?

No. I will be alone on the stage. I will let the song speak for itself and I will try to bring out the real emotion of it. It could also work with 10.000 warriors – like a scene from Game of Thrones or something, but I can’t afford that. 😉

Did you hear other competing entries? Who do you think will give you the toughest competition from the remaining contestants in MGP?

I think there are like five favorites to win this in Norway – it all depends on the show. I love the kitschy girls from Hungry Hearts. That’s a true girl power. And as a former singer of a girl band – I support that!

Thank you very much for talking with us. We wish you all the best in Norwegian selection for Eurovision. Do you have any message for our visitors?

I am in shock after discovering all these secret Eurovision societies, all these different groups of supporters from all over the world. It’s amazing! Such a cool universe and I just want to say – thanks and keep the love flowing!

Listen to acoustic version of “Afterglow”


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