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Laura: I ran to garden and screamed after Estonia won Eurovision

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Laura Remmel is Estonian singer who is familiar with national selections for Eurovision. She performed four songs in Eesti Laul and got TOP 3 placing each time. As a member of girl band Suntribe she represented Estonia in Kiev, in 2005, but her wish is to come to Eurovision stage as a solo performer.

Despite the tight schedule and commitments towards first semi final of Eesti Laul 2016, Laura found time to speak with us – and that happened in the middle of the night. Find out how does she feel before tonight’s performance and what can we expect from her.

Estonians are one of the smallest nations competing in the Eurovision Song Contest, but yet, you really give your best in organizing Eesti Laul and picking the best songs for it. Where did all that love for the contest come from? What do Estonians generally feel about Eurovision from your side of view?

I guess it is due to our love for music in general. Our choir singing tradition goes way back and our Estonian Song Festival (in Estonian: Laulupidu) is one of the largest amateur choral events in the world. It is held every five years in July and the joint choir has comprised more than 30.000 singers performing to an audience of 80.000.

Laura with her husband

You were part of the girl band Suntribe and represented Estonia in Eurovision 2005. What memories does this performance bring to you? 

Izvor: Laura Remmel
Izvor: Laura Remmel

It was crazy-fun! The plan actually was for me to win the Estonian Final with my solo song Moonwalk, but surprisingly the audience voted for Suntribe. It was a tight battle. 🙂 I remember a very clear moment from the dress rehearsal in Kiev. We were supposed to stand behind the DJ sets and after the first part of the song we were to follow the choreography to the center of the stage. The stage crew by mistake forgot a cord in between my DJ set and the one next to me and it was maybe knee-length high from the floor. That meant that I had to jump over the cord before starting the dancing steps. That was so frightening, because I’m not a big fan of dancing. 😀 It made my heart beat like crazy!

You participated in Eesti Laul in 2007 and 2009. What made you decide to participate again after 7 years?

Life works in wonderful ways and collaborations for me start in very organic ways. We started making new music with Sven Lõhmus in the beginning of last year. We recorded many songs and tried out different grooves. Somehow at one point we started recording a song for Eesti Laul. We did maybe ten different versions of the song before we settled with the one you’ve heard. 🙂

Izvor: Laura Remmel
Izvor: Laura Remmel

 Could you tell us something more about your song “Supersonic”? What is it about?

It’s about us, human beings. We are so fragile and our lives are precious. We get to live here on earth only a certain amount of time. We are supersonic. That’s why we should take the time and think what exactly is meant for us to do. Our talents we need to work on. People we need to spend more time with. The song has also taught me to look at life in a different way. I’m a total control freak and I love to do a lot of things. In the beginning of the year I made a vow that I will take things in a bit more chill way. And I’ve stopped saying “I am really busy” when people ask how I’m doing. I’m doing great. 🙂

You will compete in first semi of Eesti Laul on Saturday. Are you feeling nervous? What can we expect from your performance?

I’m feeling excited, that’s why I’m answering your questions in the middle of the night. It’s difficult to fall asleep. 😉 You get to experience light, light and light…

Who do you think will give you the toughest competition from the remaining contestants in Eesti Laul?

I like that all of the contestants have gone through a process of working out a great stage show – that makes me try harder. I’ll give my bestest! 🙂

Speaking about other contestants, which Estonian Eurovision song did you like the best (beside your „Lets Get Loud“ from 2005)?

Ha 😀 I really liked “Everybody”! I remember when we won the Eurovision I ran to our garden and screamed to the whole village “we won! we won!”… I was then 12 years old. 😀 

Izvor: Laura Remmel
Izvor: Laura Remmel

Thank you very much for talking with us. We wish you all the best in Estonian selection for Eurovision. Do you have any message for our visitors?

Sleep tight & keep your fingers crossed for us tomorrow. 🙂

Lift uude aastasse! 😉 #happynewyear2016 #lennusadam #stinakasephotography #kaiatriisamakeup #supersonic #lauraremmel

A photo posted by Laura Remmel/Põldvere (@paulamustikas) on


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