Mihai: My biggest dream is to win the Eurovision Song Contest – eurosong.hr
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Mihai: My biggest dream is to win the Eurovision Song Contest

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Ten years ago Mihai Traistariu brought energetic atmosphere in arena in Athens, where the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 was held. With his song Tornero he got points from almost all countries and 4th place at the end for Romania. Mihai then waited all these years and now thinks the time has come for him to stand on Eurovision stage once again. His song is called Paradisio, and in this short talk with us he spoke about his expectations.

Eurovision 2006 was the best thing that has happened to me. I traveled a lot abroad after the contest and I built my career. Many people told me I was so close to win the competition and that’s the reason I want to try again. I waited for “Paradisio” ten years and the time has come. I really want to win this competition for my country. It’s my biggest dream ever!

Your song is called “Paradisio” and it’s very different from your previous Eurovision attempt. Could you tell us something more about your song? What is it about?

It has a very positive message. It’s about love and peace. It’s a very sensitive song. I hope it will be a huge club and radio hit! 🙂

Romania got some good placings in the contest in the past 10 years, but you are yet to win the whole thing. Is the time finally come for Bucharest to host Eurovision?

I truly believe that Paradisio can win the whole contest. It is very catchy and easy to remember, and the show will be something different. Even though Romanian people don’t believe in that, I will do my best  to prove that Romania can win Eurovision.

We asked him what can we expect from his performance in Romanian selection, but Mihai decided to keep it a secret. Romanian media are writing that performance will be special and very expensive.

Thank you very much for talking with us. We wish you all the best in Romanian selection for Eurovision. Do you have any message for our visitors?

Dear Eurovision fans, I can’t wait to meet you again. I am a Eurovision fan myself and therefor I really know the meaning of a country winning this contest for the first time. I want to experience and feel that. If you like Paradisio please support my song all over the internet. Thank you so much!


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