Maja Keuc: I believe in me and my team – logo logo logo

Maja Keuc: I believe in me and my team

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Hello Maja. The Slovenian jury and public trusted you and sent you on this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. What does it mean for you to be a representative of your country in this music competition?

Hello Croatia! It is a great honour and pleasure to represent Slovenia in ESC 2011. I would like to say thanks to the people of Slovenia for their support.

Fans “received” your song very well and most of them have great expectations for Slovenia. Does it put pressure on you and your team?

I do not feel a pressure on me, only their support and encouragement. In Düsseldorf I will sing as good as possible, therefore I do not want to think about any possible burden about the final result.

You won EMA 2011 with the song “Vanilija”. A couple of days ago the English version “No One” was published. Do you think that singing in English may give you a better chance of doing well at Eurovision?

For ESC song it has been realized that sounds better in English, because it’s a bit softer and more fluently. But this doesn’t mean that Slovenian language isn’t beautiful and very expressive. A good example is music created by ensemble Papir. We are more and more popular but all songs are strictly in Slovenian language.

Slovenia has not really had much luck at Eurovision since the introduction of semi-finals in 2004. You have been in the final just once – in 2007, when Alenka Gotar sang “Cvet z juga”. Do you think you can get into the finals this year? What are your expectations and hopes?

I have a number 13!! Number is magical, and definitely gets into the finals!

Second semifinal is a very strong group. It has many potential winners. This will be a beautiful and exciting evening. There are no speculations and calculations. If my song is good enough, it will go to further competition. I know that good song is not enough, but without this basic thing everything is just a waste of time. Therefore – I believe in me and my team.

Have you planned a promotional tour?

Yes we have! I am going to former Yugoslav republics, Germany and Netherlands so far.

I read lots of fans’ thoughts in which they have said that you don’t need to be accompanied on stage in Dusseldorf, because you are very charismatic and you make the performance interesting and enjoyable enough on your own. But what are your plans and what can we expect on the stage in Dusseldorf?

Thank you for this compliment! In the show Slovenia got talent 2010 I presented also some acrobatic elements and maybe you are right. My singing is enjoyable enough…:) and I do not need any additional things…:) On the other side all singers are probably preparing something special, something which would attract people’s attention. Well, my team is also creating something in this direction, but let it remains a secret.

Have you listened to any of the songs that will compete against you? If so, which ones do you like the most?

Yes I have, but I do not want to speak about my favourites. ESC is not the Olympics, so I want the best possible outcome. Well, I’m realistic. I know that dreams are achievable, but maybe not at this moment. I am appreciating for every support from the Eurofans, but I do not worry about the result. It will be enough time to do this in Düsseldorf.

Many believe that you are one of the best-looking singers in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. So, I will ask you, which male singer from the competition do you think is the most handsome?

Really? You are very kind. I hope that I am also a good person. Good nature will always supply the absence of beauty; but beauty cannot supply the absence of good nature my mother says. And this is a way how I see the beauty of men. It is more about the feelings and energy than “external image of man”. But I am already notice some very handsome male singers in ESC 2011….:-).

Thank you so much for this interview! Do you have message to our visitors?

Thank you! Music is a celebration of the soul. Do not forget that. It is not intended to quarrel or contest. Let’s enjoy together at the ESC 2011. We all need a sense that people are with us. Good luck Croatia! See ya in the final evening!


Znate li da sav sadržaj na portalu radimo volonterski, iz ljubavi prema Eurosongu, izvođačima i zajednici fanova?

Ako vam se sviđa što radimo, podržite nas!

Iza svega što vidite stoji 17 vrijednih fanova koji izdvajaju vrijeme, trud i novac za održavanje stranice, a kako bismo izvještavali s događanja sami plaćamo i putovanja i smještaj na Dori i Eurosongu.

Kako bismo i dalje mogli biti tu za vas i donositi vam zanimljive sadržaje, donirajte i pomozite da ostane mjesto okupljanja za sve fanove iz regije.


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