A snippet of "Crazy" presented – eurosong.hr
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A snippet of “Crazy” presented

  3 min za čitanje   1 komentar

A snippet of the song Crazy, with which Franka will represent the Croatian Radio and Television (HRT) and Croatia at the 63rd Eurovision Song Contest to be held in May in Portugal, was presented today on the official website of HRT. The popular singer wrote the lyrics by herself and the music was written by Branimir Mihaljević.

The song

– We came up with the song unexpectedly. We were in the studio, recording the three songs we were going to submit for Eurovision and this one suddenly just crept up. Branimir started playing it on the piano, I started humming the lyrics and that’s how Crazy came about. We chose it right away because it’s unusual and unexpected. It’s powerful, emotional, strong, modern and the production is great. I hope the audience will love it – said Franka.

Franka has all the qualities of a true international star and we did our best to make an world-class song, keeping up with the current trends, but at the same time creating a completely new sound and an original atmosphere. The young Denis Mevlja had a big role in the process of making the song, and mixing was done in London’s Metropolis Studio by the people who had worked on the music of Adele, Amy Winehouse, Lana Del Rey and many others. The final processing of the song will be done in London’s legendary Abbey Road Studio. I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you hear the song – said Branimir Mihaljević.


Franka’s manager Siniša Bevanda revealed some details about the concept of her performance. – We want a beautiful and impressive performance, but we won’t be doing anything incredibly spectacular. We have some interesting ideas and this is the most intensive period for us because the whole concept must be mapped out. From the video clip and costume design to the stage performance. We got some valuable advice from well-known professionals and colleagues with whom we had worked in Zagreb when Franka was the opening act for Beyoncé, so that means a lot to us – noted Siniša Bevanda.

The Head of the HRT’s Eurovision Song Contest Team, Tomislav Štengl, is convinced that Franka will continue the string of success the HRT and Croatia have achieved over the past two years. – Nina Kraljić made it to the final, and the brilliant Jacques Houdek ranked very high last year according to the audience votes. He was thirteenth in the end, which is a great result among the 42 participating countries. We think Franka can also reach our fundamental goal of qualifying for the final, and once you get to the final – everything is possible – said Tomislav Štengl.

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  1. Arctic Monkey — 26. veljače 2018. u 15:25

    ? cini se obecavajuce ?
    jedva cekam celu pesmu… Malo mi daje na ledy gagu i lanu del rey nzm sto ali na njih sam pomislio… ? Ono sto mi se cini, tekst ce biti najslabija karika ovde…

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