Aden Ray: „Whole life is an art, if you have an artistic soul.“ – logo logo logo

Aden Ray: „Whole life is an art, if you have an artistic soul.“

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Another contestant on upcoming Eesti Laul 2018 that I had the honours of interviewing is young looking, but very ambitious and talented musician Aden Ray.  Born in Tallinn in (1987), he started performing at a very young age, singing as a solo act, in a church choir and even in a boyband. Later, drawing his inspiration from American, English and Swedish popular music, he started to compose his own pieces. After finishing Master’s at Management and Production in Show Business, Music Management at Saint Petersburg state University of Culture and Arts, he started composing and performing as solo artist around the world, as well as composing applied music for apps (the most famous one being Atomus). He is going to perform his song Everybody’s Dressed on Eesti Laul 2018., and how does him and his song differ from other contestants, find out in the following lines.

Why did You decide to enter Eesti Laul 2018.?

First, I want to say, that I never liked competitions, although I was in kid’s vocal studio where we were always attending different competitions all around the world like WCOPA in Los Angeles and so on. I think, that competitions are not for music, this is not what creators should do. How we can compare music? How can we compare an art?! How can we choose what is better? No, every song, every artist is unique in it’s own way- this is how it is. Someone like rock, someone r&b, someone pop music, but it doesn’t mean that something in particular is better. I was in New York and then spent a few years in The Philippines making music, performing there and doing some tv and radio appearances. I even composed a song The Philippines, which will be out early next year. And then a few months ago I went to Europe and heard, that Eesti Laul is coming- I recorded a great song, it’s very personal song for me, it’s about me and this song mean a lot for me. I wanted to share to the world this song, I wanted people to feel what I felt during my life. That’s why I decided that I need to deliver this song to millions and Eesti Laul and Eurovision is a great way to do so. That’s why I decided to take a part of it.

Can you please tell us what Your song Everybody’s Dressed is about?

Everybody’s Dressed song was written and composed by me. This song is about us people, wearing masks in our lives. It’s like we are always wearing good clothes, making our hair done and so on, trying to look better and nicer. But the main thing is that in the end of the day, when I meet people, I don’t see their «faces» (like in the song I’m singing), like who they really are, how funny they can be, how easy going they can be)) And only when love comes to our hearts, that the time when we can become bright, like a sunshine, real and natural, like who we really are. Just we don’t have to be scared of being who we are. So that masks, those fake feelings are making us sad and sometimes stressful. So, the last verse is about that we must fight for not afraid to be who we are. So, in the end we will all feel blessed and loved and happy.

Do You think that Everybody’s Dressed is a song that could bring a new flare to the Eurovision?

Definitely yes. First, because I was writing this song not specifically for Eurovision, that’s why it’s a bit different from Eurovision style, but at the same time I believe it fits well and it delivers the story and a message that we all should open in ourselves. Its like “True You” story. I hope and I truly believe that this song will touch people’s hearts. Especially through this great and big event like Eesti Laul and Eurovision.

Do you think that your staging possibilities are limited because of the amount of sound that backing vocals carry throughout the song, especially towards the end of it?

Well yes, but I will do my best. During recording sessions, I was recording gospel choir from New York, but on the stage I can invite maximum 5 people besides me. I will try to do my best to deliver this song at it’s best. The most important is the song’s message and the power of energy we will give, and of course, the lyrics.

On Your website I’ve found that You’ve been referred to as a creative chameleon. How does that relate with your music style?

Haha) Well, I think it’s because I’m working in so many different music genres and styles. I never limit myself to any music genre. Music is everything. I’m producing songs in Pop, Rock, R&B, EDM genres for myself as well as for other artists around the world. For example, I’m completing right now an album in R&B – Soul, very urbanistic, with heavy beats and with my vocals. I’m working on it with my very close friend and amazing beat maker from my team. Also, I’m finishing my Pop – EDM – Blues album, which I love and also I’m working on a very personal and very interesting project – an album in Deep House with elements of pop music with my another good friend and collaborator Ivan Latyshev. That would be an amazing album. And also I’m producing by myself as a main producer instrumental soundtracks for apps and other projects like meditation music – it’s more Easy Listening/Chill Out music, something for relaxation too. Everything with the support of our companies Global Movements Media Group and TBH ParkMusic.

A lot of singers nowadays portrait emotional trauma and, sometimes, following depression as necessary trigger to begin song writing. Would You agree with that statement?

Yes, usually something pushes us out from our limits, so that’s when the art itself starts. Something breaks in our souls or in our hearts and then we start creating love, I mean art. It can be emotional trauma or opposite, it can be a big love, basically it doesn’t matter. Both are the stress. Good or bad, we decide by ourselves. I started to write after a big loss of my life, a person. And, because I always was a very shy person, now I am as well very shy, but I was always scared to express myself, that’s why I started expressing myself in song writing.

Did the emotional trauma You’ve experienced point You in the direction of the art style you cherish today?

Yes. But I also make other things in art. I’m acting, I’m modelling, I’m doing creative projects, consulting some companies in strategic management and so on. I mean, all life is an art when you have an artistic soul. Don’t get me wrong, I know a lots of people who love doing accounting or programming or writing some scripts for programs. That’s hard for me, but I think it’s an art for them as well in some ways. When things finally get together and you see completed product, isn’t it cool?!

How are You going to deal with stage fright prior to the Eesti Laul?

For me, it’s very hard. I’m going through hell performing live on the concerts with lots of other performers, if only it’s not my own concert where I am headlining. Because I don’t know what to expect, I don’t know how would it be, what will be the quality of the sound, lights and so on. I like quality in everything and especially in music, so that’s the point. And one more thing- in that case- It’s a competition. Remember what I said about competitions?!

Ending on a more light-hearted note- what is Your favourite Estonian song in the Eurovision?

My all time favourite Eurovision song from Estonia was a sung by Ines – Once In A Lifetime, it’s a really good one.

And last question- do You have any message for readers of

Nowadays music industry is so occupied by highly promoted artists, who are pushed so hard by giant record labels. And these few artists are everywhere, on tv, on the radio, everywhere. So the sad truth is, that we usually don’t have a chance to get to know new “blood”, new music, new artists, that are so good, but they are still there, they are making an amazing music and they are so talented. Eurovision is a good platform from where we can get to know better some of them, some of these new interesting artists. So let’s look closely. Maybe you will hear an artist, who will open your heart exactly there!

The Editorial Board of would like to thank Aden Ray for his time, and wishes him all the best on Eesti Laul 2018!

Link to Croatian version here


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