Alejandro Reyes: “Latin rhythm is in my blood” – logo logo logo

Alejandro Reyes: “Latin rhythm is in my blood”

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Fourth competitor on Swiss Die Entscheidungsshow 2018 that yours had a chance to interview is Alejandro Reyes who is going to sing his song Compass. Born in 1992 in Quilpué, Chile, him and his family moved to Switzerland when he was 9 years old. As he was born with disability in his left hand, despite being in a family full of musicians, he never even tries to make music, until a friend of his gifted him a guitar for his 18th birthday. The rest was history- as he progressed, and even made his own special glove equipped with a pick so he can strum the strings without getting injured, young Alejandro first started as a busker, singing in the streets for his own enjoyment, and quickly was noticed by Swiss media. He performed on blind auditions in The Voice France in 2014, where sadly no judge turned his chair, but the very next year he performed at Bern Stadium for a crowd of 80 000 people. is very delighted that the opportunity Alejandro gave us, and You, the opportunity to get to know him better.

Why did you decide to participate in Die Entscheidungsshow 2018?

I just wrote the songs and wasn’t really looking to participate. But, Swiss tv loved my vocals and my character. So they proposed me to take part of it not only as the writer but also as a performer. I said yes:)

What is your song Compass about?

The song is actually a real story. We all have that compass or that « something » leading us or guiding us in our lives. I really wanted everybody to feel concerned with the topic. Can be love, friendship, passion etc.

How is your staging going to look like?

Simple. Authentic and real. I think real stuff never lies and, it’s all about music…

Why did you move from Chile to Switzerland, and is your Chilean heritage heavily influencing your music style?

I followed my family. I was 9 when we moved. My Chilean heritage doesn’t influence that much, but Latin rhythm yes. I think that’s in my blood and I can’t help it.

Do you find your disability to be bigger setback or motivation in your music career?

Absolutely not. I actually don’t think it’s a disability and I never use that word. It’s a strength. Makes me creative, makes me stronger. Gives me more empathy and makes me special. Music has just made it visually stronger.

You are also one of the songwriters for Naeman’s song Kiss Me. How did that collaboration happen?

It’s not a collaboration between Naeman and myself. Suisa, rights agency in Switzerland organized a Songwriting Camp in Maur. Amazing experience with very nice people.

I co-wrote 3 songs in 3 days, so, then Swiss tv chose, out of 700 song they received, 6 of them, and out of those 6, 2 were mine.

What do You think about the competition in Die Entscheidungsshow 2018? Do you think you have a shot at being Swiss representative on Eurovision 2018?

I think I’m just going to do my best on stage and just be myself. I have a strong song I think, not better or stronger than another one but, real and modern. I guess that’s the key! We’ll see.

Are you a fan of Eurovision? What is your favourite song from the competition?

I love this competition but I don’t like the judging part of it. We are all different and outing us together to find, in a way “the best of us” is kinda not my cup of tea. But well, that about it. This year, I really love Chiara’s song for Switzerland.

And finally, do you have any message for the fans of

I think we are all looking for the same thing, good music and good moments. Enjoy every single moment of the competition!

The Editorial Board of would like to thank Alejandro Reyes for his time, and wishes him all the best in Die Entscheidungsshow 2018!

Link to Croatian version here


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