Benjamin Ingrosso: "I want Sweden to be proud" – logo logo logo

Benjamin Ingrosso: “I want Sweden to be proud”

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Last year, Robin Bengtsson managed to get another TOP5 placement for Eurovision mega force of the decade, Sweden, and will twenty-year-old Benjamin Ingrosso manage to do that with his song Dance You Off, we will see soon enough. Everything points at the success of the young Swede, son of well-known schlager queen Pernilla Wahlgren, as he firmly holds his position in TOP10 with betting odds. Interestingly, Robin Bengtsson also won Melodifestivalen in his second try, and both landed in 5th place on their first go. Fifth place wasn’t a big let-down for Benjamin, because his song Good Lovin’ got platinum in Sweden. In this exclusive interview for, Benjamin will tell us about who song Dance You Off is, about Swedish music and Spotify and answer eternal question: DC or Marvel?

Congratulations on winning Melodifestivalen! Were You less or more nervous than last year?

Hi and thank you so much! Haha, yes. Last year everything was so new – but this year I felt more confident and it has been a great journey that still goes on! I´m thankful every day.

You co-wrote this song, so can You tell us more what is it about?

I wrote it a year ago when me and my girlfriend had broken up – I was heartbroken and wanted to dance her off! Haha. We are now back together and happier than ever – good thing she loves the song!

SVT has the tendency to keep the staging from Melodifestivalen and copy it to Eurovision stage. Should we expect the same this year?

Yes, you can expect that with maybe a few small changes…

Are You feeling any added pressure because you are currently in top 10 in the betting odds, and because Sweden’s name is not easy to live up to on Eurovision stage in this decade?

I just feel I need to enjoy every part of it and not feel so much pressure! I want my country to be proud of me however it may go.

Do You think there is any use in going to Eurovision preparty’s likes of in London, Amsterdam etc.?

Yes, I’ve been in both London and Amsterdam! It´s good to meet all the other artists and meet fans! Good preparation for ESC J

For the last few years there is a trend in Sweden that musicians publish their new singles on Spotify only, without accompanying music video. Do You think that music video-making branch is slowly coming to an end?

I did a music video for my song. I think it’s very important to do different assets to promote your song in many different channels. I almost check out every video of the songs I like!

Did Your parents have big influence in You pursuing music career, and if so, how?

Yes, they did. They have always encouraged me to do what I like and I have a lot of things to thank them for of where I am today!

Your family also has a reality show. Will the new season follow your Lisbon adventure?

No I don’t think so.

Let’s get away from Eurovision for a bit :D. We know You are a big comic book and superhero movies and series fan, so we must ask you this eternal question: DC or Marvel?

Aaaa, both good but I’m more of a Marvel-guy!

Should we expect an album from You soon?

Yes…… I´m finishing up songs now!

Back to Eurovision, what do you think about Croatian representative Franka and her song Crazy?

I like it a lot!! Makes me think of 50 shades of grey… haha.

Lastly, do you have any message for fans of

Thanks to all of you who listens to my music and I really hope I´ll have the chance to come to Croatia to perform and meeting you all soon!

The Editorial Board of would like to thank Benjamin Ingrosso for his time, and wishes him all the best on Eurovision Song Contest 2018!

Link to Croatian version here

A big thank you to my colleagues Bojan Petrović and Luna Janić for helping me come up with questions, and writing Benjamin’s biography. You can read his complete biography here.


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