BQL: "We're always looking for opportunities" – logo logo logo

BQL: “We’re always looking for opportunities”

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This summer Slovenian radio ethers “were own” by two brothers Piletič – Anej and Rok, known as BQL (Be Cool). So it wasn’t a suprise when the Slovenian broadcaster RTVSLO announce them as contestants of EMA 2017. That’s why we approached them and prepared an interview with them.

What made you sign up for EMA 2017?

We’re always looking for opportunities to broaden our field of knowledge and experience in music, so EMA seemed like a reasonable event to participate in.

How much did the Slovenian version of Got Talent change your life?

It changed everything. Now that we think about it; we really don’t know what we did throughout the day before we had this „brand new life“. There’s always something to be done nowadays, such as writing songs, performing, etc.

Your song Muza was a hit this summer. Were you surprised that it achieved such a success?

Having a hit song was something completely foreign to us, but recording a song like that was always a goal right from the start.

It was entirely unexpected, so we were sincerely shocked that it did so well on the charts.

You’re brothers. Is it hard sometimes to get along?

No. We have common goals and tastes, so we never argue over anything actually.

Can you tell us what your song is about and who wrote it?

It’s about heartache, a theme well-known by music listeners everywhere.

Everyone in our team contributed something to the lyrics. The melody was written by Raay, one of the best producers in Slovenia and former competitor in the Eurovision Song Contest.

At the end of this short interview, do you have any message for the readers of

Eurovision was intended to be a competition about having the best song and THAT’S IT, so listen with your heart and ears, not your eyes. Oh, and happy holidays!

The Editorial Board of would like to thank BQL for their free time and wishes them all the best on forthoming EMA!

To read this interview in Croatian, click here.


Znate li da sav sadržaj na portalu radimo volonterski, iz ljubavi prema Eurosongu, izvođačima i zajednici fanova?

Ako vam se sviđa što radimo, podržite nas!

Iza svega što vidite stoji 17 vrijednih fanova koji izdvajaju vrijeme, trud i novac za održavanje stranice, a kako bismo izvještavali s događanja sami plaćamo i putovanja i smještaj na Dori i Eurosongu.

Kako bismo i dalje mogli biti tu za vas i donositi vam zanimljive sadržaje, donirajte i pomozite da ostane mjesto okupljanja za sve fanove iz regije.


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