Carpool Karaoke: Does Albina know Eurovision songs? – logo logo logo

Carpool Karaoke: Does Albina know Eurovision songs?

  2 min za čitanje   1 komentar

In a little over two months, the 22-year-old Albina from Split will represent Croatia in the first Eurovision semifinal with the song Tick-Tock where she will try to make her way into the grand final.  While she’s gradually rising in the Eurovision betting odds and while the bookies are predicting a great placement for her, the preparations for the May performance are in full swing.

The Croatian representative revealed this to us in a special interview with our Mariana. They drove around the Split football field Poljud where Albina revealed many interesting things and also sang a few songs.

In the interview, we found out that the famous stage and creative director of many famous Eurovision performances Marvin Dietmann will be in charge of Albina’s staging. He was responsible for Austria’s staging in 2018 and Germany in 2017. However, he is most famous for Conchita Wurst’s winning 2014 performance. He will also be doing Spain’s, Cyprus’ and Austria’s staging this year.

– We have a sensational addition to our team, a person who was missing to complete the whole story. We have officially confirmed a collaboration with a famous man in Eurovision circles, who staged many Eurovision performances, and that man is – Marvin Dietmann. We hired someone with experience, someone who is creative and who will not allow the performance to look subpar – Albina told us in the interview.

In the drive around Split, the very relaxed Albina sang Tick-Tock, Fuego, Imuna na strah and other songs with our Mariana and in the end revealed which songs from this year’s Eurovision are particularly dear to her.

And what does she think about the group Hurricane, who does she particularly like from the group and how does Loco Loco  sound in Albina’s version? What’s the connection between Albina and Aitana and what kind of placement does Albina’s grandmother predict for her? Don’t miss the special carpool karaoke and join Albina in singing Eurovision hits.


Znate li da sav sadržaj na portalu radimo volonterski, iz ljubavi prema Eurosongu, izvođačima i zajednici fanova?

Ako vam se sviđa što radimo, podržite nas!

Iza svega što vidite stoji 17 vrijednih fanova koji izdvajaju vrijeme, trud i novac za održavanje stranice, a kako bismo izvještavali s događanja sami plaćamo i putovanja i smještaj na Dori i Eurosongu.

Kako bismo i dalje mogli biti tu za vas i donositi vam zanimljive sadržaje, donirajte i pomozite da ostane mjesto okupljanja za sve fanove iz regije.


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