Eleftheria Eleftheriou: "I will live the moment no matter the result" – eurosong.hr
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Eleftheria Eleftheriou: “I will live the moment no matter the result”

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Hey Eleftheria! Visitors from ex-Yugoslavia, but also from the rest of Europe, chose you as the most beautiful female artist of the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest, with 42.2% of the votes. So, I will use this opportunity to congratulate you!

Oh my god! Thank you eurosong.hr! Thank you all! This is really an honour for me! I feel very excited right now 🙂

There are less than 10 days left till first Greek rehearsal in Baku. Are you prepared? Is everything going according to your plans?

You know, it is less than a week left to fly to Baku, but I still keep rehearsing daily my voice and of course the choreography with the rest of our Aphrodisiac team. I am preparing myself really hard and I hope you will enjoy my performance.

You are going to perform a fast and catchy song. Is it hard to dance a lot and sing such a song as “Aphrodisiac”? Also, can you give us a little clue about how will your stage performance in Azerbaijan look like?

“Aphrodisiac” is indeed an uptempo beat song with pop sound but also with Greek details in its melody. It is really tough to perform and sing at the same time, but this is getting better the more you rehearse. I actually love singing and dancing, so I want to give my best for both! I will have four dancers with me on stage and the choreography will be really fresh! Sorry, I cannot tell you more until my first official rehearsal in Baku!

Fan polls and bets think you are one of certain qualifiers for the finals, but also a contender for high placing in the finals. What do you think about that? What is your main goal for Baku?

I will try my best first of all in the 22nd of May, interact with people and audience and I hope they will enjoy my performance… And sing with us also in the Final! I will live the moment no matter the result, because Eurovision is a unique experience once in our lifetime!

You performed at the big Eurovision concert in Amsterdam, went on promotional tour in Turkey and visited some other countries. Did you meet some other Eurovision contestants and make some new friendships? Which songs from this year do you like the most?

During my hard rehearsal schedule, I had the chance to visit Turkey, Netherlands and Brussels. Of course I made new friends, we exchanged ideas and music culture and made our comments for this year’s Eurovision songs. It was so unique that I met other Eurovision artists, because we shared our experience, progress and wishes…No matter where we are from, music makes all – one!!! This year I like many songs. I though prefer Maya from B&H, Zeljko of course, the Croatian is a really touching song, Italy and Sweden, Norway… Moldova also has a traditional song which I keep singing all the time! Romanian song is also really entertaining! Can’t wait to meet all in Baku!

Eleftheria, I would like to thank you a lot for talking to us and our visitors. Eurosong.hr | Eurovision-Croatia.com team wishes you a good time in Baku and a great result for Greece!

Thank you for you so honourable poll results! I hope I will meet you all in Baku and light our fire together, singing every day and night!! Music is my passion and Eurovision my desire! Good luck to all of us!! You are great!

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