Elina Nechayeva: I don't feel any pressure! – eurosong.hr
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Elina Nechayeva: I don’t feel any pressure!

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Although last year’s trip to Italy didn’t pay off, Estonians are going to try to find their place in the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest with a song that, this time, has more connections to Italy aside from just the title. We are obviously talking about Elina Nechayeva, who will represent this Baltic country with the song La Forza on big Lisbon stage. This twenty-seven-year-old Estonian won this-years Eesti Laul with staggering 70% of publics vote in Super Final of this competition, and currently holds sixth position in betting odds, although up until recently she was a stable member of Top3. In this exclusive interview for eurosong.hr she will tell us, among other things, what does the song La Forza (which she co-wrote with Mihkel MattisenTim Vendt and Ksenija Kuchukova) and how did the people from classical world react to her song!


Congratulations on winning Eesti Laul 2018! Considering You being an early favourite to win, did You have any added pressure because of Your role as a favourite?
I don’t feel any pressure – I just want to do my best. I am a professional singer, so this is my work. This is what I do every day, I sing and I’m an artist and I do it always with all my love and passion. So, I will do my best and I will give all my love to the audience – I am already collecting the love from all over Europe! I think this means that people like and feel the meaning of the song and that can only be a good thing,.

Do You think an opera song like La Forza can win Eurovision?
Haha I hope so! But seriously, I am happy if I perform my best. For me, the main goal is to get to the final.

What does the song La Forza mean to You?
La Forza is about real love that enlightens our way, gives us wings, takes us to the sky and gives us a real power so that we can even move mountains. It’s about universal love – love for children, love for parents, love for nature. It’s all these kinds of love.


Will we see a difference between Your staging at Eesti Laul and the one on Eurovision?
I hope that we will do it the same way, because in Eesti Laul it worked perfectly and I hope that it will work in Lisbon too.

What excites You the most about competing at Eurovision?
I’m really thrilled that I will be able to sing my song for almost 200 million people – it’s crazy! This is the biggest audience you can sing to and I hope I will do my best and I can give so much love to so many people.

You have a master’s degree in classical singing. How do your peers and professors look upon Your Eurovision entry? Are they supportive?
I was amazed that so many people in the classical music world really love my song. I’ve heard great feedback from a few prominent Estonian conductors who have all said that it’s a good song and that I sing it well. Most excitingly – I got great feedback from Arvo Pärt, who is a legend in Estonia. He said that my voice was great and that he couldn’t compose a better song! 😀

What do You think about Croatian representative Franka and her song Crazy?
Franka is fierce – She’s so beautiful and expresses her emotions very well, and I think she has a very nice voice! It’s a good song for sure!

And Lastly, do You have any message for fans of eurosong.hr?
My message is that in our society we should talk more about real love and real feelings. We need to be here and now – not in our smart phones but here, connecting with each other and giving love. Love is the greatest power of all. This is what La Forza is all about and I hope you enjoy my song.

The Editorial Board of Eurosong.hr would like to thank Elina Nechayeva for her time, and wishes her all the best on Eurovision Song Contest 2018!

Link to Croatian version here

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