Eurovision Song Contest 2015 in numbers – logo logo logo

Eurovision Song Contest 2015 in numbers

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One new country will perform at the Eurovision Song Contest for the first time. Australia has gotten a special invitation to perform at the 60th edition of the contest. The last time we saw some country debut at the Eurovision Song Contest was in 2008 when Azerbaijan and San Marino sent their representatives to Belgrade.

Almost every year we have returning artists at the Eurovision Song Contest. This time it’s Azerbaijani singer (he represented them in 2008) and a member of the Armenian group (she sang at the 2009 ESC). Azerbaijan and Armenia – a jackpot.

Countries from three continents will perform at the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest. The last time we had that situation was in 1980 when Morroco joined “euroasian” company and for the first time brought ESC to the African soil.

Songs with the shortest title are “Adio” (Montenegro) and “Time” (Belarus). They have four characters each.

-This year we will listen to the 5th Eurovision song by Željko Joksimović.
-Voltaj (the Romanian group) has five members.

Kazakhstan will broadcast the Eurovision Song Contest for the 6th time in a row. They wish to participate, but temporarily it’s not possible because they aren’t in the European broadcasting area. Interestingly, Kazakhstan has a part of their territory in Europe.

From 16 countries in the 1st semi-final of the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest, seven of them didn’t perform in the final last year. That means at least one new country will qualify for the final in Vienna.

The last year’s success of the Dutch representatives encouraged many countries to send duets to the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest. We will listen to eight of them in Vienna.

male solo singers will perform in Vienna.

10 countries (that exist today) participated at the Eurovision Song Contest before, but won’t do it this year.

The longest song from the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest CD is “Heroes” (Sweden). It’s 11 seconds longer than the “recommended” 3 minutes.

Albania and Belarus joined the Eurovision family in 2004. This year they will have their 12th performance in the contest. (c)

If you are tired of all the numbers and information so far, but you still want to read the remaining fun facts, we suggest you take a break with this year’s Irish Eurovision song which has a symbolic title.

Denmark and Sweden will perform under this “unlucky” number. And after the commercial break.

14 countries will be represented by groups in Vienna.

15 is the number under which Romania will perform in the semi-final for the 2nd time in a row.

16 is the number of years Israeli and Sanmarinese representatives have.

17 female solo singers will perform in Vienna.

The biggest number of countries to perform in one Eurovision night was in the 2007 semi-final. But, we link this number to this year’s final. It will be the biggest one ever. Lets “blame” Australia.

Songs with the longest title are “De la capăt (All over Again)” (Romania) and “One Thing I Should Have Done” (Cyprus). They have 28 characters each.

29 out of 33 songs in the semi-finals will be performed completely in English.

36 seconds is the length of the longest instrumental part of any song at the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest (“Adio” – Montenegro).

40 countries will participate in Austria.

200 people will be members of 40 national jury groups.

468 is the maximum number of points one country can get in the final.

When all 40 songs are performed in Vienna, the total number of Eurovision songs since the year 1956 will rise to 1396. The 1400th song to be performed at the Eurovision Song Contest will be the 4th in the running order of the 1st semi-final in 2016.

4698 points will be awarded in all 3 nights of the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest.

11 000 tickets are sold for every show in Vienna’s hall.

200 000 000 viewers around the world will follow the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest.


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