EVESTUS: „My fans are amazing creatures for being able to decipher my madness!" – eurosong.hr
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EVESTUS: „My fans are amazing creatures for being able to decipher my madness!”

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Rock isn’t unfamiliar genre on Eurovision grounds, and many artists have tried to accomplish success with it in the contest. EVESTUS, however, will try to become the first industrial rock band ever to perform on the big Eurovision stage. The band, formed by Ott Evestu, has multiple members, although only the drummer Tanya and Ott himself being there since the bands inception in 2008, when they performed with Kerli (Eesti Laul 2016.). After that performance their first album This is Dramacore came out, but, despite its big success, then nine-person band wasn’t doing great financially. After the band almost fell apart in 2011., in the late 2012. they’ve started heading upwards, towards new successes with songs like Sleep Forever and Voices.  Known for his aggressive and vigorous performances, EVESTUS surely is an interesting figure that is going to appear on Eesti Laul 2018.


Why did You decide to participate on Eesti Laul 2018?

I love Eesti Laul competition – thanks to the open participation it’s always a proper freakshow but it never had a proper freak like me 😀
I think it’ll be a lot of fun and I will do my best to give people a good show this year!

What is your song Welcome to My World about?

It’s a post-apocalypse pop style song that opens a new perspective on our world and how messed up we are:


Welcome to the reason,

Power of the mind

Welcome to democracy

And justice that is blind

Welcome to religion

Everyone is wrong

There’s no cure for cancer –

Welcome to the atom bomb

Welcome to the hunger

Welcome to the pain

Welcome to the wars we wage

To make them go away

Welcome to the riots

Welcome to the change

Welcome to corruption –

Everything will stay the same..


Welcome to my world –

Come take a look before I blow it up again.

Do You feel threatened by Your competition, because Your music style isn’t what you would normally see or hear on Eesti Laul or Eurovision itself?

 On the contrary – I feel there is no competition for me – I represent the alternative music and lifestyle and I believe it’s very important in today’s society where social media is inducing monoculture by favouring popular content – doesn’t it seem strange that with all of the information available online, today’s youth looks less diverse than ever? Because they all follow the same blog and if they took their eyes off their phones, they’d realize that they look exactly like everyone else… what was the question?


Do You think there is a spot for industrial rock as a genre on Eurovision?

Absolutely – it’s an event celebrating diversity right? Then why should it only feature one music genre? That seems a bit hypocritical doesn’t it? Plus, one of the foundations for industrial music is social criticism and where else to point out flaws in our society than Eurovision? Of course, in a clever tongue-in-cheek way because I believe the event should still be fun and take us away from our everyday depression not add to it. 🙂

What is Your performance going to look like?

I am actually working on it right now with my wife, a dark artist Grete “Stitch” Laus who is a stylist and director behind all the amazing EVESTUS music videos and artwork. It’s too early to reveal any details yet.

Will You perform with Tanya and Simo on stage?

I cannot confirm the full line-up just yet – EVESTUS is a dynamic project and I like to engage different artists on different occasions – Eesti Laul is a very special occasion and requires a very special approach.

Are You still in contact with Kerli and did she give you any advice for Eesti Laul?

We have bumped into each other now and then – mostly through my wife Grete who has done some projects with her. She did congratulate me on making it into the Eesti Laul competition.

And, to end this short interview, do you have any message for fans of eurosong.hr?

It’s great to make your acquaintance – I hope to see you when I get a chance to perform in Croatia – I’m fascinated by your amazing country and have been wanting to visit for years!

The Editorial Board of Eurosong.hr would like to thank EVESTUS for his time, and wishes him all the best on Eesti Laul 2018!

Link to Croatian version here

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