Fans want to see Jelena Rozga representing Croatia in 2011 – logo logo logo

Fans want to see Jelena Rozga representing Croatia in 2011

  2 min za čitanje   Napiši prvi komentar

Who is going to represent Croatia in next year’s Eurovision Song Contest? traditionally organised an online poll where fans from Croatia and all other countries from the region had an opportunity to vote for their favourites and tell their opinion on this topic. Through several elimination rounds many famous names of Croatian music were eliminated, with only ten of them reaching the final. These ten were: Vesna Pisarović, Magazin, Colonia, Karma, Bojan Jambrošić, Jelena Rozga, Nina Badrić, Lana Jurčević and Franka Batelić.

Thousands of fans were involved in this project, votes were coming from all over Croatia, but also from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Germany and United Kingdom. Jelena was one of the favourites of this poll from the beginning, while other big favourite, Franka Batelić, ended in eighth place. The second place was won by Magazin, one of Croatian most popular bands ever, a band that exists for more than 25 years. This year Andrea Šušnjara, who represented Croatia in 2009 with Igor Cukrov, joined the band. Interesting to say, Jelena Rozga began her career in Magazin. Third place was won by Lana Jurčević, who also has experience in performing on Dora.

Short biography of Jelena Rozga

Jelena Rozga is a Croatian pop singer. She was born in Split (August 23, 1977). She started attending ballet lessons as a child. After finishing elementary school, she moved to Zagreb where she started attending ballet high school and started dancing in Croatian National Theatre.

She performed in Swan Lake, Cinderella, Scenkulscik… But, her singing ambitions and love for music were stronger than passion for ballet dancing, especially after she managed to win an audition for Magazin singer, which turned her life upside down.
As Magazin singer she gained huge popularity all over the region.

Her solo career began on Dora 2006, where she sang a song “Ne zovi me Marija”. Soon after that she had several mega hits that reached number 1 on Croatian charts. She also won Grand Prix of Splitski Festival 2007 and 2008, with songs “Gospe moja” and “Daj šta daš”.

A new album is going to be released soon, but what’s as much as important as that, is the fact that every new Jelena’s song becomes a hit. Same happened with her Splitski Festival 2010 song, “Bižuterija”.

Jelena – “Nemam” (Dora 2007)

Jelena – “Daj šta daš”

Jelena – “Bižuterija”


Znate li da sav sadržaj na portalu radimo volonterski, iz ljubavi prema Eurosongu, izvođačima i zajednici fanova?

Ako vam se sviđa što radimo, podržite nas!

Iza svega što vidite stoji 17 vrijednih fanova koji izdvajaju vrijeme, trud i novac za održavanje stranice, a kako bismo izvještavali s događanja sami plaćamo i putovanja i smještaj na Dori i Eurosongu.

Kako bismo i dalje mogli biti tu za vas i donositi vam zanimljive sadržaje, donirajte i pomozite da ostane mjesto okupljanja za sve fanove iz regije.


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