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Guez for 24sata: “I’m sorry, Franka!”

  3 min za čitanje   Napiši prvi komentar

This year’s Croatian Eurovision drama tonight a twist which can’t be seen even in Mexican telenovelas. Croatian newspapers 24sata contacted to the Romanian unknown rapper Guez, who started to tell a different story!

– I have never said that Franka’s song was plagiarized. The whole story was started by my manager – Guez told for 24sata, and added how he will break the collaboration with his supposed manager, who’s telephone number he didn’t want to give. On his profile on Facebook, there is a (supposed) telephone number of his manager, but on that number Guez answered with an explanation “that his manager can’t answer at the moment”.

But the story doesn’t stop here. On his channel on YouTube he cited Royal House Entertainment as his discography house. Howerer, 24sata investigated even that and it turns out RHE never heard of him. Later, they contacted the record label that cooperates with hip hop artists from Romania and Moldova.

– We don’t know who that guy is. We are working with a rapper whose name is Guess Who. We have never heard of Guez – they said.

Denisa Gjezo: Franka didn’t steal from me!

During this Easter, Guez or his supposed manager posted on Facebook the song Zëmer ku je, with which Denisa Gjezo wanted to represent Albania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 with a quote “how many singer will stole the Croatian team” (you read it right). 24sata contacted the Albanian singer, Lindita Halimi’s backing singer at the Eurovision Song Contest 2017to listen the song and give a comment.

– I heard Franka’s song and I don’t think it was plagiarized. I hope Franka will be successfull – said Denisa in an exclusive statement for 24sata.

Eventhough the preparations are continuing, Franka’s manager admitted the damage is irreparable.

– It’s a done deal. Her Eurovision experience, her biggest wish, has been ruined. I just don’t understand why the manager didn’t contact me – Siniša Bevanda said about this famed twist.

At this point we will put an end on this case. How much is the story about the manager, who forced “poor” Guez to do a four-day harrassment of a person who didn’t harm him in his life, it’s unknown. But one thing is sure – he got media attention in Croatia (not so much in Romania to sneak into Selecția Națională 2019), but the question is how strong will be Franka’s noerves to answer every Eurovision blogger about this case. And all because of five minutes of fame of a Romanian rapper.

Za pročitati vijest na hrvatskom, kliknite ovdje.


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