Instrumental version of My friend available as of today at – logo logo logo

Instrumental version of My friend available as of today at

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Zagreb, 28 February 2017 – Today at noon, an instrumental version of the song My Friend was published, the song with which Jacques Houdek will represent Croatia at the 62nd Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev in May of this year. Two days before the premiere of the song that will try to take the European musical throne, the honour of publishing the full instrumental version of the song has been given to the most visited Eurovision page in Croatia and the region –

The exceptionally high level of interest in the song My Friend is confirmed by the fact that the clip of the song published last weekend was the most-watched video on YouTube, and was ranked as number 1 trending with more than 50,000 views after just the first day.

“Impressive, proud, hymnic, triumphant, lively!” These were the five words Croatia’s Eurovision representative and majority author of the song My Friend used to describe the feelings he believes the instrumental version will engender in its listeners. Jacques Houdek has also revealed some new details about the song – “The magical interplay between two bowed instruments, which culminates in the intermezzo that intrigued the public in the clip we published earlier, actually describes the musical theme of this song, which celebrates life, love, and friendship. Our virtuosos, Antun Stašić on the violin and Neven Šverko on the cello, have masterfully interpreted the song’s message and the vision that Siniša Reljić, Tony Malm and I had when writing the music, and our listeners will be able to experience this through the brilliant instrumental version without hearing so much as a single lyric. The melody leads us through the ups and downs of life we all go through, despite our differences,” Jacques points out, adding “Life is a miracle and life overcomes, as one of my favourite lines in the song says.”

The #beMyfriend campaign is also continuing after its brilliant reception, and is expanding worldwide. Photographs are coming in from all over the world, fans have contacted us from Thailand, Columbia, and Italy. The most daring move so far has been from fan Carl Allen from the town of Crawley in England, who tattooed himself with the title of the campaign, saying he was thrilled with the idea of spreading friendship and togetherness among people, and that he had decided to make a new start after a difficult period in his life, and that #beMyfriend will be his motif and his guiding light.

The song My Friend, with which Jacques Houdek will represent Croatia at this year’s 62nd Eurovision Song Contest will be premiered on Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT) on 2 March on Croatian Radio channel 2 (HRT – HR 2) at 2:00PM on Zlatko Turkalj’s pop music show The World of Discography, upon which occasion the entire production team will be presented to the public. A day before the premiere, Jacques Houdek will be a guest on Studio 4 on Croatian Television’s channel 4 (HRT – HTV 4) on Wednesday, 1 March at 1:00PM.


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