Michela for Eurosong.hr: "I’m just looking forward to go on stage and do my job" – eurosong.hr
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Michela for Eurosong.hr: “I’m just looking forward to go on stage and do my job”

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Inbefore first rehearsals we had a chance to interview Maltese representative on Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv, Michela, who is going to perform song Chameleon, written by Joacim Person and Paula Winger. Michela has a very strong team behind her – Ambra Succi, known for Loreen’s 2012. and Poli Genova’s 2016. choreography, and Front Pictures, LED screen designers who are responsible for legendary Jamala’s tree for the song 1944. You can read Michela’s biography here, and how is her performance going to look like, what does she think about Croatian song and singer, and many more, find out in the interview below!

What will you take from your experience from X Factor and implement it to your Eurovision performance?

X Factor Malta has been one great experience. I found a family of like minded individuals that helped me grow both as a human being and as an artist. Participating in a platform like X Factor Malta makes you feel comfortable even in the biggest of events and stages, like that of The Eurovision Song Contest.

Were there any other songs you were choosing from, or was Chameleon a clear frontrunner the whole time?

Chameleon was the one I imagined people singing to the top of their lungs in their cars, so yes to me it was a clear frontrunner. I just wanted to bring joy to the people listening to this song!

How would you describe yourself in three words?

Hard-working, passionate, down to earth!

Malta is known of having a good jury support, but a lack of the same support from televote. What will you do differently to attract the voters?

I will give my 100% like I always do in everything I do, I just let my voice and all the package coming with my song to do the talking. The rest is in the people’s good hands.

You have a strong team behind your performance. Can you tease us a little bit on how the staging is going to look like?

Secrets are there to be kept, but let’s say you will see me moving a little bit more than usual.

 What are the qualities that a Eurovision winner should have in your opinion?

A good song and a good team behind him or her. 


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You are one of the youngest contestants of this – years Eurovision. Do you think that that i san advantage or and added weight on your shoulders?

Not at all, X Factor Malta prepared me a lot to face the high intensity of such an event. I’m just looking forward to go on stage and do my job. Needless to say, I’m really looking forward to share this experience with all the other participants.

What are your plans after the Contest? Is there any album soon that you are going to release?

Without any doubt the release of an album!

A little bit more about Eurovision – did you hear Croatian song for Eurovision in Tel Aviv, Roko’s The Dream? If yes, do you like it?

Of course I like Roko’s song, especially the message behind it. Can’t wait to meet Roko!

What is your favourite all – time Eurovision song?

Hadise’s Dum Tek Tek!

And lastly, do you have any message for the fans of eurosong.hr?

Thanks for this interview, thanks for promoting the biggest event of them all the Eurovision all year round and I can’t wait to visit Croatia! I heard you have wonderful beaches and lovely places which I must visit!

Eurosong.hr wishes Michela great success in Eurovision Song Contest 2019!

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