Naeman: I want to make Switzerland proud! – logo logo logo

Naeman: I want to make Switzerland proud!

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Naeman is one of the six singers that will try his luck in Die Entscheidungsshow 2018. This Swiss-born street performer is known for his pop song covers of artists like Justin Bieber, Austin Mahone, and Shawn Mendes. In 2014, he auditioned for the 12th season of Germany’s version of American Idol (Deutschland such den Superstar) and in 2015 he took part in Switzerland’s Got Talent, where he got into the semi-finals. He found his love of singing at the age of ten, and now, 14 years later, he will try to represent Switzerland in this-years Eurovision with his song Kiss Me.

Why did you decide to participate in Die Entscheidungsshow 2018?

I decided to join the Die Entscheidungsshow 2018 because I see it as a good platform to develop yourself as a singer and performer and because I want to make Switzerland proud- get to the top at the ESC finals in Lisbon!

What, or even better, who is your song Kiss Me about?

Basically, I recently had a situation just like this where a girl had really been into me, but she just didn’t know what she really wants. So, the song is about exact about this, it’s a hot sexy flirt between me and this girl, but nothing more. Sometimes girls don’t know what they want and that’s what bothers me.

How is your staging going to look like?

My staging will be fresh, young, and uplifting, with a modern background and some background dancers and me dancing for sure as well. But don’t want to tell you too much. I need you to stay excited! Hehe 😀

You’ve been mostly posting and performing cover songs throughout your career. Are we to expect an album of yours anytime soon?

That’s correct. I first wanted to make myself known to people so I did only covers so far, except one other single next to “Kiss Me” dropped. I can’t tell yet exact date, but an album is planned in my head. So, step by step. Let’s see what happens day by day and let’s make the best out of every opportunity.

Who are your role models in the music industry?

My role model is the one and only Justin Timberlake. For me he is a genius!

Do you think that your participation in Switzerland Got Talent in 2015. will help you in any way with your performance and/or public votes?

I don’t think that my appearance in “Die Grossten Schweizer Talente 2015” will affect this show in any way. But for sure I am grateful about my performance there, and collected some good new experience on stage.

What is your favourite Eurovision song?

I love Lena’s song “Satellite” in 2010!

And lastly, do you have any message for the readers of

To all Eurovision Song Contest readers of Croatia: thank you for reading this & if I win on Feb. 4th I’ll be grateful for all kind of support from you guys and I can’t wait to travel to your beautiful country!

The Editorial Board of would like to thank Naeman for his time, and wishes him all the best in Die Entscheidungsshow 2018!

Link to Croatian version here


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