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Netta for “I promise surprises!”

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If on the day of releasing your song all foreign media outlets are writing about you, you know you did an excellent job. That just happened to Israeli Netta Barzilai, who, after the release of the song Toy, cowritten by Doron Medalie and Stav Beger, almost immediately topped the odds on polls, and still is situated in first place on them. This twenty five – year old, born in Hod Hasharon, near Tel Aviv, found her way to Eurovision stage through, now kinda traditional Israeli national final, HaKokhav Haba, where she topped the jury vote and got second place from public voting. In this short interview, Netta will talk about message behind the song Toy, how does she handle being a favourite to win, and, of course, she will finally tell us what does clucking in the song mean!

First of all, congratulations on winning HaKokhav HaBa! Did You like the competition and did earlier winners of the contest that have participated in the Eurovision (Imri, Hovi and Nadav) give you any advice for the Eurovision?

Well, not yet. But the people on the Israeli team that surrounds me are Eurovision veterans and I know that I’m in good hands.

How did collaboration with Your songwriters Doron Medalie and Stav Beger happen?

While I was at “Hakochav Haba”, Israel’s pre-selection competition to the ESC, I was exposed to many people, including Doron. He saw me, my persona and capabilities and decided that Toy is a song that would fit me and the competition. I couldn’t agree with him more?

What is the inspiration and message behind the song Toy?

The song has an important message – the awakening of female power and social justice, wrapped in a colourful, happy vibe.

After the release of Toy, Israel has skyrocketed in the betting odds, and right now bookies see You as a clear favourite to win Eurovision. Do You too consider Yourself to be a favourite?

I knew we were making something unique and different, but never in a million years did I think the song and the Video-clip would get such a strong positive response. For now, I try not to get distracted, and focus on my performance.

Is there a meaning behind the clucking-like sounds in Toy?

It has a double meaning. The noises are supposed to imitate the voices of a coward – A “chicken”. Someone who doesn’t act the way he/she feels and treats you like a toy. Baka is also stupid in Japanese.

Who is (or are) “modern time preacher/s”?

People who can’t accept how other people think, look, act or feel.

Do You think Toy is “fast food music” or does it have “feeling” like Salvador Sobral suggests music should have?

I think we spend too much time on judging ourselves and others, instead of opening our minds to take in all the inspiration that surrounds us.

Are You going to perform the song on stage with looper, and how is your staging going to look like in general?

I can’t reveal anything that would happen on stage, but I can promise surprises!

What do You think about Croatian representative Franka and her song Crazy?

I really like the video. I thought it was impeccable.

Lastly, do You have any message for fans of

You don’t have to fit the normal standard model of how a person should look, think, talk and create – to succeed. We’re only here for a minute, we better enjoy the ride and make the most with what we have.

The Editorial Board of would like to thank Netta for her time, and wishes her all the best on Eurovision Song Contest 2018! You can track her journey on Eurovision via her instagram, or her twitter account!

Link to Croatian version here


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