Rebecca: „Dare to be yourself!“ – logo logo logo

Rebecca: „Dare to be yourself!“

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In the year of returnees on the Melodi Grand Prix, nineteen-year-old Rebecca Thorsen will surely have her impact. Born in Oslo, she finished high school last year, specialising in music. She has won P3 Urørt U16, a national music competition for artists under 16 and is pursuing a life in the music industry. She has already performed on stages such as the Bluebird Café in Nashville and been a supporting act for Isac Elliot and Donkeyboy. She is singing a song Who We Are written by 2015. Eurovision participant Kjetil Mørland (A Monster Like Me), and with her powerful voice she will try to conquer a very strong competition that she is going to face on MGP. We are giving you exclusive interview with her, in which she will talk about the message of the song, and her opinions of competition, amongst other things!

Why did you apply to MGP?

Mørland asked me if I would like to do the vocals on one of his songs. So, I heard it, loved it, and then we recorded it. He asked if we should send it to MGP and I was all in. This is a song I really believe in, especially because of its strong message which is very important to me. And of course, I’ve been a big fan of Eurovision for a very long time and being a part of it is something I’ve wanted to do since I was a kid.

Explain to us your connection with Kjetil Mørland, when did you meet and how come he decided to write a song for You?

Back in 2013. I wanted to record a song and my English teacher recommended Mørland! So, he produced an early single of mine and I’ve done some backing vocals on his song throughout the years. He had written the song from before and thought it would suit my voice. And here we are!

What is the song Who We Are about?

The song is about putting yourself first and not being afraid to be who you want to be instead of always trying to please everyone else. It’s about daring to love yourself and not being afraid to stand up for yourself, no matter who you love, what you look like or who you want to be. Other people’s opinions aren’t’ as important as your happiness. It’s important to praise diversity and not be afraid to live your life the way you want to.

How will Your staging at MGP look like?

We don’t want to spoil anything. I can just say I’m very excited to show everyone!

Do You feel threatened by such a strong competition full of returnees?

I feel like all the returnees are so great and talented that being a part of this team will just make an even better sow and a greater experience for everyone involved. We have all gotten to know each other a bit now so it’s not like we’re competing against each other, it’s more like we’re in it to make the best possible show together on the 10th of March!

Which song (besides Yours) do you think has the best chances of winning MGP 2018?

To be honest I find it impossible to pick any song over the other. I’ve listened to all of them a lot and they’re just so good! I think they’re all potential winners and I’m very excited to see their staging as well.

Do You think Your song could win Eurovision?

According to the polls it looks like Who We Are is doing great among the fans and that is so amazing! But there are 9 other incredible songs in MGP so it’s hard to say, a lot of the votes will depend on the staging as well. So, I’m very excited to see how it all turns out, but of course I hope to win on the 10th of March and I’ll do my very best. I’m not just in It to win it, but to share an important message. Just being able to inspire at least one or two people to stand up for themselves will mean the world to me and something I will always cherish. Having watched Eurovision every year for as long as I can remember, they always pick a great bunch of truly talented artists every single year. Winning Eurovision would be one of the most amazing things I could imagine doing, but I would be happy just to participate!

And lastly, do You have a message for the readers of

I would like to thank everyone listening to and sharing Who We Are. It means so much to read all your messages and positive response. This song Is very important to me and it has a strong message; be who you are and the person you are meant to be. Don’t let the people around tell you to change the way you are for their own benefits. Dare to be yourself and love the person you are, that’s the most important thing you can do for yourself.

The Editorial Board of would like to thank Rebecca for her time, and wishes her all the best on Norsk MGP 2018!

Link to Croatian version here


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