Vanessa Iraci: "I have big aims for Switzerland if I make it to Lisabon!" – logo logo logo

Vanessa Iraci: “I have big aims for Switzerland if I make it to Lisabon!”

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Between six amazing artists that are going to try their luck in Die Entscheidungsshow 2018 is Vanessa Iraci. This Swiss singer, whose song is written well-known Borislav Milanov (FYROM and Serbia 2017.; Bulgaria 2016.), is preforming since young age of 15, and has had concerts across the Europe. In her discography she has two albums and two EP-s, and, while performing as a solo singer, she successfully performs with her party-band Vanessa Iraci & Band that also performs her original music. Vanessa was also on the show The Voice of Switzerland, where she reached the semi-finals, as well as on The Voice of Germany where she reached quarter-finals, despite all four chairs turning in both of her auditions. is very grateful for this opportunity, and we strongly recommend You to read the next lines so you can find out where did the inspiration for the song Redlights come from!

Why did You decide to participate in Die Entscheidungsshow 2018?

I love ESC and it would be a dream coming true to perform on the Eurovision stage! I decided to participate, because with the song “Redlights” by Borislav Milanov, an amazing composer and producer, I think I can really get a shot to make it to the finals.

What do You think about the Competition in Die Entscheidungsshow 2018? How big do you think are your chances on representing Switzerland on Eurovision?

The competition is big! I really like all the other songs and I’m looking forward to meet the artists! So it’s hard to say… I think all of us have a chance and in the end it’s up to the Jury and Public. I’ll just give it all and hope for people to vote for us 🙂

What was the inspiration behind the song Redlights?

“Redlights” is basically about falling in love with somebody, knowing right from the beginning that this love is going to end with a broken heart. A situation many people may be able to relate to. The symbol to run over red lights with your head down not caring what’s left and right shows how desperately in love you must be. The song has a very emotional and magical spirit.

How is Your staging going to look like?

I’m not going to tell you that, that will be a surprise 😉  All I can say is that I’ll go with the spirit.

Do You think that Your participation in The Voice of Germany and The Voice of Switzerland is going to help You gain more public votes?

Maybe some people will recognize me, though my participation in The Voice of Switzerland was a few years ago. So we’ll see if those who have voted for me in the half final back then will now take their chance to vote for me again. They won’t regret because I have big aims for Switzerland if I make it to Lisabon! First of all Switzerland is supposed to reach the finals!

Are You a fan of Eurovision? What are some of Yours favourite songs in the Contest?

I’ve always been a fan of this great show. My favourite is Euphoria by Loreen, Beautiful Mess by Kristian Kostov, I also really liked Salvador Sobrals performance with Amar Pelos Dois. As a very classic I love Celine Dion Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi, and many more!

And lastly, do You have a message for the readers of

Keep looking forward to ESC 2018, it’s going to be a huge and great show as always! Very important, vote and support the competitor and the song you want to see on top, it’s all up to you!

The Editorial Board of would like to thank Vanessa Iraci for her time, and wishes her all the best on Die Entscheidungsshow 2018!

Link to Croatian version here



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