Victor Crone for "Roko has a fantastic voice" – logo logo logo

Victor Crone for “Roko has a fantastic voice”

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While we are waiting for the rehearsals to continue tommorow, Estonian representative Victor Crone is full preparing for his Eurovision performance. Victor’s first rehearsal is scheduled for tomorrow at 13:20 CET. In order to increase the excitement ahead of tomorrow’s events, we bring you an interview with this year’s Estonian representative. What has Victor revealed about the plans for the show, what does he think about the Croatian representative Roko and what does Storm mean to him, find out down below.


You’ve already tried to come to the Eurovision stage back in 2015 when you competed in the Swedish national selection known as Melodiefestivalen. Then you did not succeed to become one of the Eurovision participants, but this year you made it, through the Estonian national election Eesti Laul. How did you decide to apply for the competition in Estonia instead of trying again for Sweden?

That is correct. I met Stig rästa three years ago in Stockholm. We had a writing session and we became friends. He invited me over to Estonia and I’ve been going back and forth ever since. Writing songs to me and other Estonian acts.

Did you expect to win at Eesti Laul? How did you feel when they announced „Storm“ as a winner song?

I did not expect to win, I knew that we had a good song. But I’m not born in Estonia so I was a bit worried over that. I got so happy, overwhelming.

Storm is a song that reminds everyone of life’s ups and downs. It encourages listeners to never give up fighting, no matter how hard life can be. Does this song have any special meaning to you?

Yes, that’s the core message. I had a few years when I didn’t feel that good so I guess it is a reminder to myself.

The song was created in collaboration with Stig Rästa who already has a wide Eurovision and Eesti Laul experience. Which is the most useful advice Stig has given you regarding the performance and delivery of the song?

Take it easy, enjoy it. He’s a great guy and he has this calmness around him.

The staging at Eesti Laul was very well done. However, can we expect some changes at Eurovision? Can you reveal us just a tiny detail?

Glad you like it! You can expect some changes, but for the better!

What do you think is more important at Eurovision – a song or a performance?

I think it goes hand in hand. 70- song 30-performance. It all starts with a good song.

Did you listen to the song of the Croatian representative Roko?

Yes I have. A good song and a fantastic voice. Eurovision better watch out for Croatia!

What do you think about it? Do you have any advice for Roko?

Keep rocking! We both got clouds in the staging. Looking forward to meet him!

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Who is your biggest supporter and motivation for your work?

My family.

What is your favourite Eurovision winning song ever? 

Goodbye To Yesterday.

What would it mean for you to win the Eurovision Song Contest?

That would be really fun, a dream come true.  I dare.

What is your message to readers and to your fans? </strong

I hope you guys will enjoy Eurovision this year and that I will make you dance and sing with my song Storm. Thanks for having me!

The Editorial Board of would like to thank Victor for his time, and wishes him all the best in the future career!



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