ZiBBZ: "We know we are going to give 120% and enjoy every minute!" – eurosong.hr
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ZiBBZ: “We know we are going to give 120% and enjoy every minute!”

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Swiss-born, Los Angeles based duo ZiBBZ will try their luck in this year’s Die Entscheidungsshow with their song Stones. Made up from siblings, brother Stee (30) on drums, keyboard, vocs, and sister Coco (32) bringing her powerful and soulful vocal while playing keys, they are surely going to be a great contender for winning this show. They started playing instruments at an early age and even had their own reality show in their teens on swiss MusicTV (2011-2014) which had them touring ever since.

Afterwards, they moved to Los Angeles to, quote: „push themselves to new limits “, and have performed on stage with the, Bligg, Donna Summers, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Juliette & the Licks etc. Their single “Children of the Digital” premiered on baeble.com and ran on MTV “fresh faces” for 2 months. They’ve just released their new album “it takes a village” on 1st of September. Eurosong.hr is very happy to give our readers chance to dive into the mind of this indie pop duo with this interview.

Why did You decide to try Your luck on Die Entscheidungsshow?

Because music is our life, and this is the biggest music-platform in the world!

What is Your song Stones about?

It’s about inclusion, equality, diversity and tolerance. It’s a call to stand up against bullying and hate, let’s NOT go back to throwing stones. We wrote STONES in a songwriter-camp with Canadian songwriter Laurell Barker.

What will Your staging look like? Will You use the technology You use in your Onetake videos (such as UNDUN)?

We have designed an amazing little set up for the swiss final show and we know were going to give 120% and enjoy every minute. that’s all we can do. The rest is up to the audience!

Did You find more luck in L.A. than in Switzerland?

LA is a place where we are free to create and work with many amazing artists!

But Switzerland is our home. And we love traveling between the two worlds.

Do you fight while making music/performing? After all, you are brother and sister 😀

No – NEVER!!!! haha 😀

Why is the album named „it takes a village “? Can you tell us more about it?

We live in a big artist community in LA, and a lot of people were part of the album process. Releasing it all ourselves was a big step for us, and it could only be done with our „village “!

What is your favourite Swiss Eurovision song?

Celine Dion of course! 😀

And lastly, do you have any message for the readers of eurosong.hr?

We look forward to the ESC-adventure and hopefully meeting some of the amazing family that supports it! Stand up for what u believe in, and STOP each other from throwing stones! cheerz, ZiBBZ!

The Editorial Board of Eurosong.hr would like to thank ZiBBZ for their time, and wishes them all the best on Die Entscheidungsshow 2018!

Link to Croatian version here

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