Don't miss our YouTube show "Eurovision from Home - Dora calling" – logo logo logo

Don’t miss our YouTube show “Eurovision from Home – Dora calling”

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Two weeks before the big final of the Croatian national selection Dora 2022, will host a musical treat for all fans of Croatian music. Just like last year’s successful edition “Eurovision from Home – Dora edition”, this year as well our YouTube show, now called “Eurovision from home – Dora calling”, will host Dora participants who will sing some of the biggest hits from Dora’s history, as well as some of their own hits.

Guests: Dora 2022 participants, Albina, Franka, Hurricane, Tomislav Štengl (Croatian Head of Delegation)

The show will be broadcast on our YouTube channel EurosongHR on February 3rd at 8 pm CET and it will have subtitles for all non-Croatian speakers. All Dora participants have been invited, but which Dora hits will they be singing? We will reveal this in the upcoming days.

Songs we will hear in the show:

  • Nek’ te zagrli netko sretniji
  • Pričaj mi o ljubavi
  • Neka mi ne svane
  • Kada zaspu anđeli
  • Sasvim sigurna
  • Čarobno jutro
  • Odjednom ti
  • Tuga dolazi kasnije
  • Idi leđa mi okreni
  • Lako je sve
  • Stotinama godina
  • Nebo
  • My Friend
  • All I Really Want
  • Tebi pripadam
  • Jušto
  • When It Comes To You
  • Rijeka
  • Reci mi
  • Colors
  • Ocean of Love
  • She’s Like a Dream
  • Tick-Tock

As an introduction to the event, we are preparing numerous surprises on our Facebook and Instagram where, besides revealing the newest information about the show, we will have a Eurovision-themed giveaway.

Last year’s show:

About the show

The concept of the show was created in May 2020 as a response to Eurovision being cancelled because of the Coronavirus for the first time in its 65-year history. The show hosted some of the performers who marked the Croatian Eurovision scene as well as public figures connected with Eurovision. The show’s premiere happened a week before the planned Eurovision Song Contest. Beside the whole show, which is about an hour long, all performances can be seen separately on our YouTube channel EurosongHR.

On January 30th of last year, a special edition of the show was broadcast, called “Eurovision from home – Dora edition”, as an introduction to Dora 2021 and its participants. The show had big media coverage before and after its broadcast through media texts, TV segments, radio announcements and social media promotion.

This resulted in more than 200,000 combined views of all the performances, as well as lots of buzz within media and local and international Eurovision fans, who were able to watch the show with English subtitles.

 First show (May 2020):

Follow’s social media to find out more about “Eurovision from Home – Dora calling” participants! has been closely following and promoting the Croatian selection for Eurovision – Dora, Eurovision and all accompanying events for 17 years. The page gets over 900.000 sessions and over 2 million views a year, and it is run by more than 15 enthusiasts from all over the region, with a common goal of maintaining interest in the musical competition which is seen by 200 million people all over the world each year.


Znate li da sav sadržaj na portalu radimo volonterski, iz ljubavi prema Eurosongu, izvođačima i zajednici fanova?

Ako vam se sviđa što radimo, podržite nas!

Iza svega što vidite stoji 17 vrijednih fanova koji izdvajaju vrijeme, trud i novac za održavanje stranice, a kako bismo izvještavali s događanja sami plaćamo i putovanja i smještaj na Dori i Eurosongu.

Kako bismo i dalje mogli biti tu za vas i donositi vam zanimljive sadržaje, donirajte i pomozite da ostane mjesto okupljanja za sve fanove iz regije.


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