Laura Bretan for "I owe success to my mother" – logo logo logo

Laura Bretan for “I owe success to my mother”

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Sixteen-year-old American-Romanian opera singer Laura Bretan won the public hearts when she appeared at the popular show America’s Got Talent, where she managed to reach the finals and earn the sixth spot. At the audition in front of a jury made of famous names, such as Simon Cowell, Mel B and Heidi Klum, she sang the famous opera Nessun Dorma and left everyone breathless. Because of her vocal abilities, she even earned the Golden Buzzer, which secured her a place among the contestants in the live stage of the competition. However, Europe had met her a little bit earlier in the Romanian version of Got Talent where she won! This year, Laura hopes for another victory, but in the national Romanian election for the Eurovision song, better known as Selecţia Naţională.

Laura will try to win the title of a Romanian representative at the Eurovision Song Contest with the song Dear Father, which will be presented live in the second half of the competition scheduled for February 10th in the town of Aradu. If she qualifies for the final, Laura will once again have the opportunity to perform her song on the February 17th in Bucharest, together with other 12 competitiors.

You are a big fan favorite in Romania. The bookmakers also believe that you are going to win. Does that make you a little bit under pressure?

There is a little bit of pressure but I’m more excited than nervous. I’m going to give my best!

Even though you are only 16, you already have an enviable singing career. Who do you most owe your success?

I owe this all to my mom for discovering my talent. Without her, I would’ve never come this far.

Can you tell us more about the song Dear Father? Does it have any special meaning to you?

Dear Father is a personal song about the relationship between my father and I. This song is dedicated to him.

Have you listened to the songs of your competitors? Do you have a favorite?

Yes, I’ve listened to a few. They are all amazing and unique in their own way.

If you win and earn your ticket to Tel Aviv, what can we expect from you? Are there already any plans for the staging/choreography?

We have some ideas, but I would like to keep it a surprise ’till we get there.

Do you have any messages for our readers and your fans?

To all readers and my beautiful fans, thank you for your kindness and support! This means so much to me, and I promise to do the very best I can, in everything I do!  Many blessings.

You can read croatian version here.

The Editorial Board of would like to thank Laura Bretan for her time, and wishes her all the best!


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Iza svega što vidite stoji 17 vrijednih fanova koji izdvajaju vrijeme, trud i novac za održavanje stranice, a kako bismo izvještavali s događanja sami plaćamo i putovanja i smještaj na Dori i Eurosongu.

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